Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time to renew the fight against DV

NEW BRAINTREE, MA  May 8, 2012  In the fall of 2011, I was involved in the psychological autopsy analysis of pre-incident behaviors of a despicable man who killed his wife and children in Dexter, Maine (Allanach, 2011).  The murder-suicide occurred in June as students across the state began their summer vacations.  The victim was a kindergarten teacher who graduated from UMF.  She had 2 children.  The findings of our report were submitted to the Maine Domestic Violence Homicide Review Board in November.  We received a positive response from government sources and women's groups throughout Maine who found our report thoughtful and timely.  We generated over 50 recommendations for police, counselors, prosecutors, and the judiciary to combat the problem of domestic violence.  It can happen anywhere.  College campuses are not immune to the pernicious effects of this imbalance of power.  
It is estimated one in four woman experience domestic violence in her lifetime according.  Research suggests that police are notified about intimate partner violence only after the 9th incident on average.  By then the emotional abuse may have transitioned into physical violence.  There should be zero tolerance for domestic abuse.        
Domestic violence homicide is usually preceded by red flags like jealousy, intimidation, and sexual aggression among intimate partners.  I have published this in blog pages earlier this year.  Violence is impossible to predict with 100 percent certainty but if you are in a relationship where aggression and threats ever occur you are at greater risk for being killed by your boyfriend or girlfriend than a complete stranger.  Intimate partners should not intimidate nor bully one another and this must stop the first time it occurs. 
“I never thought he’d take the kids.”
Paternal Aunt of DV Murderer       
Red flags include irrational anger, lack of empathy, symbolic intimidation, and refusal to take 'no' for an answer.  One sad fact we learned in the recent domestic violence homicide was that people knew what was going to happen.  Family members of the murderer told us that they were aware of his anger "never expected him to take the children."  They knew of this and said nothing to anyone until 4 people were dead.  Effective reduction of domestic violence means that victims need to trust someone - and speak up.  If you know that someone is being abused you must tell someone.  It can save the life of a friend or family member.  It might save your own life.  I was asked several times why I participated in the behavioral analysis of someone who was now gone.  What good can come from a creepy retrospective like this?   I have said it before, to do nothing is an act of inhumanity.

1 comment:

  1. Correct you are on your last sentence Dr. Sefton. Correct indeed.
